Gemella sanguinis: endocarditis, hypercoagulability, and stroke. First case report in Italy.

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endocarditis, stroke, Gemella sanguinis, hypercoagulability, thromboembolism, heparin resistance


Endocarditis is a severe life-threatening infection. In the last decades Gemella sanguinis became a rare new cause of infective endocarditis. We here describe the first case report of endocarditis by Gemella sanguinis in Italy with multiple complications including stroke and thromboembolism at multiple sites in the presence of a high resistance to heparin administration. Cardiac surgery, antibiotics and anticoagulation allowed to reverse the clinical complication and to improve the patient outcome. However, antibiotic prophylaxis in the presence of congenital or acquired cardiac risk factors of endocarditis and surgical oral or dental procedures should be strictly provided.
Abstract 72 | pdf Downloads 33

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